I am a culture-oriented designer who is very passionate about
Meaning + Process + Practice ︎︎︎

Danielle Mariz Berger is a Filipino-American Graphic Designer and Visual Artist from New Jersey and New York City. Her artistic practice is a prelude to the larger constructs of identity in America, as it relates to Christianity and race. Through graphic design, art direction, and photography, she creates work that exists both as a hallelujah and a lamentation— a celebration of personal identity and belonging, and a mourning for how colonialism has isolated us from practices of love. Working across print and digital mediums, Danielle’s work investigates the typographic image, often working with image in response to type, and type in response to image. Taking inspiration from the hues of 19th century churches, Filipino culture, and jazz music, her graphic languages contrast starkly between dark darks and light lights, neutralized by warm tones such as gold and off-white. The visual poeticism of her work offers a vulnerable and honest perspective to create a safe, yet critical space for challenging our internalized notions of colonialism.

Danielle is currently working as a Graphic Designer at Sundae School.
Currently Reading:Bad Infinity: Selected Writing by Aria Dean
View My Annotations Here ︎︎︎


The Institute of Black Imagination.
The New School
No White Saviors
Emilie Heathe


Parsons School of Design Communication Design Thesis Kickoff Panel
September 2023


Lubov Gallery
Group Photography Exhibition
May 2023


Henry Wolff Communication Design Scholarship (2019-23)


Parsons School of Design
BFA Communication Design with Honors

Resume ︎︎︎ 
LinkedIn ︎︎︎